Monday, October 3, 2011

Amanda Knox Free! Casey

Call me crazy but I never thought the Italian legal system was any damned good after I started looking into the conviction of Amanda Knox. Knox's trial wasn't the kind of sensationalistic event here that say Casey Anthony had been. But it should have been and for a lot of good reasons - not the least of which was that it was fairly obvious from the very beginning that this was an innocent woman.

They had the real murderer behind bars with his DNA at the scene. They had nothing whatsoever in the way of  physical evidence against her. There was no "logical" reason she or her then boyfriend Raphael Solecito would have ever committed the murder of her roommate Meridith Kercher in the first place. By all accounts they were friends. At worst they were openly cordial.

What they DID have was a judge/prosecutor who said that he "could see it in her eyes that she did it."

Huh? Hello??? Are you serious?? I thought Italy was this charming land where all minds were somehow more enlightened. You know a place worthy of its reputation as a seat of intelligence, passionate romance and the Roman Empire.

Well it's also a country of mopeds. And Nutella. And judges worthy of a seat at the Salem Witch Trials.

They found some redemption today by letting Amanda go in the appeals courts.....after FOUR WASTED YEARS. It really does make you wonder how many innocent people are actually incarcerated for foolish reasons or on short logic and or even evidence.

It also makes you wonder how many clearly guilty people have walked a'la Casey Anthony.

And what of Casey? Was she innocent the day they let her out of that Florida prison???  Unlikely. Very, very shake-that-hot-body-while-your-kid-is-missing unlikely.  But here we can make the same mistakes obviously. The difference being that in Italy it was over-zealous desire to see Knox in jail that got her in; in Orlando it was under-zealous jurors in a culture that will do anything not to pass judgement that set her free.

So that's a difference. But have a look at the similarities:

Amanda Knox is today 24 years old.
Casey Anthony is 25.

Amanda Knox, even on just her appeal was in court for years.
Casey Anthony by contrast had a relatively speedy processing.

Casey Anthony at her trial was staged - each day she looked more like a small town librarian.
Amanda Knox would be in street clothes, the court like a barn.

Amanda Knox had to repeatedly and passionately argue for herself - in a language she had to learn!
Casey Anthony never said a word, but gave plenty of facial expressions.

When acquitted, Amanda Knox nearly collapsed, her face drawn and her knees weak.
The day after Casey Anthony was acquitted, she appeared in court no longer the librarian but as a flirtatious siren.

Interesting. Very interesting.

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